To quote "Gilchan in Paradise Ep.1".....
...."That explains everything."
That was great. I favorited it before I even watched it, because I KNEW it was going to be good. "Jerry" always kept me wonderinng about the little fill in the blanks, but with this it all makes sense!
A quick question though...the guy on the train hitting on Jackie he seemed linke...oh gee...I dont know...Jerry's dad. It kept making me thinking , that because of the vauge resemblance between Jerry and 'The Train Guy", THATS why Jackie had flashbacks about Jerry. I mean I saw "Jerry and the closet" and the two look so similar. Besides I can understand how if it is Jerry's dad.
1.)They looked the same (Taking the years past from "JATC" into perspective).
2.)They sounded the same.
3.Jerry's dad is divorced (Wich explains WHY he was hitting on Jackie)
This was all just a hypothesis, though.
So, I guess the question is: IS THE GUY ON THE TRAIN JERRY'S DAD?
Please answer, It would be highly appreciated. Its been bugging me too much.
Anyways..Great flash, Cant wait to see more, Keep it up...yadda yadda get it :)